Monday, February 19, 2024

Reparations - An Idea Whose Time Has Come


The topic of reparations has become an issue for discussion in a number of cities, counties and states throughout the U. S. 

In fact, at least 10 states -- including California, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Rhode Island and Tennessee – have cities which have established commissions to research the feasibility of adopting a reparations program.

Not only are Los Angeles and San Francisco included in this category, but the California State Legislature, itself, has a set of bills before it that resulted from the recommendations of a state appointed reparations task force. 

Given the momentum that this issue is having, it became the focus of my latest show with five guests who are advocating for the payment of reparations in California. 

See the show and hear the arguments that they give to justify the payment of reparations to Black Americans living in California. 

Certainly, reparations is an idea whose time has come! 

So, what do you think? Feel free to share your ideas below.

Monday, June 26, 2023

The Truth about the Model Minority Myth: Talking with Henrietta

Have you heard the term, Model Minority? Do you know to which group it refers? On this show, we discuss the term and the repercussions it brings with it. 

Make sure you see this show!

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Combating Racial Hatred and Violence:Talking with Henrietta

Combating Racial Hatred and Violence - 

Racial hatred and violence permeates our society. It always has existed in our society and it's time that, working together, we do everything thing that we can to end it! The time is now!

Friday, March 10, 2023

Stopping Anti-Asian Hate:Talking with Henrietta

The  East Palo Alto Center for Community Media (EPACCM), the 501c3 East Palo Alto nonprofit, which runs the East Palo Alto Today newspaper and supports the Talking with Henrietta television show, has launched a Stop the Hate Media Campaign.

The campaign is designed to address the surge in anti-Asian hatred and violence.  The grant that supports the campaign is funded by the State of California and administered by the California State Library. In the above video, we discuss some of the activities that we have incorporated into the EPACCM's media campaign.

Since the campaign is a public campaign, we would like to get your ideas as to what you think the campaign should cover. What would you like for us to incorporate into our campaign that will assist in reducing the incidents of violence committed against Asians and other communities of color. In other words, what elements and activities would you like to see in the campaign that you think would bring us together - regardless of our race, religion, cultural background, sexual orientation and all of the other individual characteristics we have that might serve to divide us.

Let me know what you would like to see in the East Palo Alto Center for Community Media's Stop the Hate Media Campaign. What you think is important. So, I look forward to hearing from you. 

Thursday, July 8, 2021

Assisting Distressed Small Landlords and Renters:Talking with Henrietta

There is a concerted attempt to get back to some of the things we did pre-COVID, before the shelter-in-place orders were made in the beginning of 2020. Now that many routines are being normalized, what is being done and can be done to repair some of the negative effects the pandemic brought to small landlords and many of those, who are renters who've faced eviction?

The participants on this edition of Talking with Henrietta address this question and others that involve landlords and tenants. You can see the show on Youtube above and also get more information about the show on the East Palo Alto Today website at