Tuesday, April 22, 2014

The Death of Rubin "Hurricane" Carter Brings Back Memories

          The death of Rubin “Hurricane” Carter was front page news in many newspapers on Easter Sunday and it was headline news all over the Internet.  As you will recall, Carter was the African-American boxer who was in prison for 19 years for a murder that he said he did not commit. 
          His story generated sympathy around the world in the 1970’s. It inspired singer Bob Dylan to compose his popular protest song, Hurricane, and it led to the 1999 hit movie, The Hurricane, starring Denzel Washington. 
          The reports about Carter’s death this past Sunday gave me an opportunity to connect with my own past as a reporter in New York City, because they reminded me of the review that I wrote of Carter’s autobiography, The Sixteenth Round. My book review appeared in The New York Times Sunday Book Review Section. You can read it below.
        As a youth, Carter joined a gang and had some major encounters with the criminal justice system. After waging the fight of his life outside of the ring, he finally got through his convictions and imprisonments and gained his freedom.    
     Later in his life, Carter professed his faith in the system that had put him behind bars. He believed that he was proof that justice could be obtained under our legal system. He said that if you tell the truth, the truth will eventually win out.
      Our penal institutions are full of prisoners who hope Carter was right.
Review of Rubin "Hurricane" Carter's book, The Sixteenth Round

Monday, April 14, 2014

Bringing You Up-To-Date

Over the past few months on my show Talking with Henrietta, I have discussed a number of important issues that affect us as individuals, as citizens of our country and as members of a global community. I have produced ten shows since my last posting on this blog.

You can see excerpts from three of these new shows on Youtube, shows such as:

1) How Far Have We Come Since the March on Washington  Taped in October 2013, it can be seen at http://youtu.be/-ZqWtlyWvUQ

2) The Affordable Care Act: Where Is It Working?  Taped in November 2013, this show can be viewed at http://youtu.be/EaUskEut28M

3) Immigration: A Need for Change  Taped in November 2013, an excerpt from this show can be viewed at http://youtu.be/CPL9HNFF2Zc

However, there are other shows that I taped, which do not yet have video excerpts that you can see. But you can view information about these shows on the East Palo Alto Today website. Here are some of them, which have their specific links listed opposite their titles:

Youth Empowerment: Making It Happen  - http://epatoday.org/tv.html#empowerment
Top News Stories of 2013 - http://epatoday.org/tv.html#topnewsstories
Is the Economic Boom Trickling Down? - http://epatoday.org/tv.html#economicboom
New Resources for Homeowners and Tenants - http://epatoday.org/tv.html#newhousingresources
Creative and Affordable Housing Solutions - http://epatoday.org/tv.html#creativesolutions
Educating Children to Succeed in a Global Economy -http://epatoday.org/tv.html#trainingchildren
Preventing Inhumane Events from Occurring - http://epatoday.org/tv.html#changinghumanbehavior

All of these shows are certainly worth watching. Do check them out if you've missed any of them. In the meantime, I'll post more video excerpts some.