Monday, February 19, 2024

Reparations - An Idea Whose Time Has Come


The topic of reparations has become an issue for discussion in a number of cities, counties and states throughout the U. S. 

In fact, at least 10 states -- including California, Florida, Georgia, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, North Carolina, Rhode Island and Tennessee – have cities which have established commissions to research the feasibility of adopting a reparations program.

Not only are Los Angeles and San Francisco included in this category, but the California State Legislature, itself, has a set of bills before it that resulted from the recommendations of a state appointed reparations task force. 

Given the momentum that this issue is having, it became the focus of my latest show with five guests who are advocating for the payment of reparations in California. 

See the show and hear the arguments that they give to justify the payment of reparations to Black Americans living in California. 

Certainly, reparations is an idea whose time has come! 

So, what do you think? Feel free to share your ideas below.